visitors to Kaulele Exhibits since 2021

Inspired learning through Native Hawaiian science

Kaulele creates informal STEM learning opportunities through indigenous Hawaiian knowledge that connects modern and traditional science to help young learners engage, connect with, and succeed in STEM academics and occupations.


Upcoming Kaulele Events

Ho‘oulu Waiwai provides culturally relevant financial education and individual coaching for individuals and families.  We aim to build economic stability for by strengthening personal financial management skills and helping participants to achieve their financial goals. Research shows that increased economic stability for families positively affects children’s academic and long-term economic outcomes.

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Kapa Exhibit visitors in the first 8 months of showings
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of students and 86% of youth agreed that the Kapa Exhibit was relevant to them and their lives.
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of students and 100% of youth learned more about the science of the Kapa Exhibit
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57% of students and 97% of youth increased their interest in science as a result of the Kapa Exhibit

Kaulele seeks to weave together Hawaiian science and cultural practices with STEM exploration and effectively translate the brilliance of our ancestral knowledge into hands-on, interactive, science-based experiences that captivate and excite the imagination.  Our efforts to effectively engage Native Hawaiians in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields is centered on our belief that students will engage and learn faster if a topic is relevant and fun, connecting them to who they are and where they came from.


These exhibits are being designed to travel to various communities statewide in order to provide the capacity to bring much needed informal learning resources to outlying and rural communities.  Our first exhibit, launched in December 2021, is a Kapa exhibit centered around the process of how wauke becomes kapa.  Included in the exhibit are 8 hands-on activities, primarily targeting youth ages 7 thru 14, but designed for all ages to participate in fun and new experiences.  A second exhibit focused on the Kaulana Mahina (Hawaiian moon calendar) is currently in the design phase, with a Loko I’a (Hawaiian fishpond) exhibit soon to follow.   


Kaulele Staff

Alaka‘i Aglipay

Project Manager

Kaulana Eli

Project Manager

Kapena Worden

Exhibit Assistant

INPEACE Is Funded Through Personal Donations From People Like You.

INPEACE is a nonprofit organization that relies heavily on grants to fund programs and services that strengthen, support, educate and empower our communities. Through donations, we are able to keep our programs free while providing an incredible asset to our community.