Hi‘ilei provides educational home-visits where parents meet regularly with a Parents As Teachers certified educator to learn about early childhood development and gain the skills needed to be their child’s first and best teacher.
Ho‘āla conducts outreach that provides families with information on the importance of early childhood education and helps them navigate systems to secure early learning opportunities for their child.
Keiki Steps is a Hawaiian culture-based family-child interactive learning preschool where parents and children, from newborn to age 5, learn together to ensure academic success and prepare keiki for Kindergarten.
Ka Lama Education Academy supports community members in their pursuit to become high-quality teachers in their home communities through college support, mentorship and professional training.
Kaulele seeks to create informal STEM learning opportunities through indigenous Hawaiian knowledge that connects modern and traditional science to help young learners engage, connect to and succeed in STEM academics and occupations.
Kupu Ola collaborates with schools to create alternative learning approaches that focus on strengthening academic and personal confidence in youth through the integration of Native Hawaiian culture in outdoor classrooms and interactive learning activities.
Early Literacy collaborates with community early childcare services and preschools, providing professional development, educational materials, coaching, and support for the delivery of an evidence-based literacy intervention.
Ho‘oulu Waiwai works with families to strengthen financial well-being though partnerships, pathways and learning experiences that nurture personal financial wellness and entrepreneurial development.
The INPEACE Center for Entrepreneurship supports new family-owned business start-ups on the Leeward Coast of O‘ahu to increase their capacity to succeed.
A Hawaiian Culture-Based Family-Child Interactive Learning Preschool
Keiki Steps was established to meet the school readiness needs of Native Hawaiian young children and their families in high-poverty communities through increasing their participation in a high-quality early education program that is culturally grounded, standards-based, and literacy-and numeracy-focused.
INPEACE Keiki Steps is a part of the Indigenous Early Learning Collaborative (IELC); with the support of Brazleton Touchpoints Center and First Light Education Project. This collaborative has focused on advancing community-based inquiry and equitable learning opportunities for Native Children & Families.
Keiki Steps bridges the gap between home and school by creating a parent participation environment that places both children and their parents or caregivers in a classroom setting together. Keiki can learn to socialize and acclimate to a school setting while feeling safe with their parents in new surroundings. Designed to promote children’s development and school readiness through an indigenous lens, Keiki Steps draws upon enduring Hawaiian cultural understandings and traditional Hawaiian cultural practices like moʻokūʻauhau (genealogy), nohona ʻohana(traditional family systems), oli and mele (chant and song), and haʻi moʻolelo (storytelling traditions) as a way to shape parent and child learning interactions. Keiki Steps educators and families work in partnership to prepare students for school, establish a firm foundation for success in education and life, and build pride and confidence in knowing who they are and where they come from.
LeReen Carr
Program Director
Princess Keliipaakaua-Hua
Program Assistant
Deanna Smith
Program Assistant
Josephine (Kehau) Lee Hong-Mauga
Associate Program Director Hilo
Noelani Napuelua-Patronis
Oahu Island Coordinator
Courtney Perreira
Kaua‘i Island Coordinator
Kaailee Pacatang
Hilo Island Coordinator
Andrea Caday
Site Coordinator
Justiana Kalilimoku
Site Coordinator
Shyla Ohira
Site Coordinator
Georgiana Rosa
Site Coordinator
Nicole Sapigao
Site Coordinator
Poina‘ole Laurito
Site Coordinator
Ruth Gabaylo
Site Coordinator
Theresa Kekawa-Kahili
Site Coordinator
Sanoe Souza
Site Coordinator
Kawehi Zoller
Site Coordinator
Kaleolani Keli‘ikoa-Kapololu
Site Coordinator
Kamalu Kaleiwahea
‘Ohana Advocate
Caylee-Jay Lopes
Teachers Aide
Ashlee Eade
‘Ohana Advocate
Catherina Amantiad
‘Ohana Advocate
Kiri Lou Puaroselani Halmos
‘Ohana Advocate
Seanne Igne
‘Ohana Advocate/Teachers Aide
Chrisanta Aguilar
Teachers Aide
Vanessa Tua‘au
Teachers Aide
Jessica Spencer
Teachers Aide
Ku‘uleimakamae Ahquin
Teachers Aide
Valvet Bantolina
Teachers Aide
Kawau‘i Perez
Teachers Aide
Elexis Sanborn
Teachers Aide
Kamalani Sylva
Teachers Aide
Tiana Galario
Teachers Aide
INPEACE is a nonprofit organization that relies heavily on grants to fund programs and services that strengthen, support, educate and empower our communities. Through donations, we are able to keep our programs free while providing an incredible asset to our community.
The mission of INPEACE is to improve the quality of life for Native Hawaiians through community partnerships that provide educational opportunities and promote self-sufficiency.
INPEACE, the Institute for Native Pacific Education and Culture, is 501(c) Community-Based Organization.
Your gift is tax deductible as provided by law.
Our Federal Tax ID# 99-0315193.
©2021 Institute for Native Pacific Education and Culture. All rights reserved.