families increased their knowledge of diverse Hawaiian traditions and practices

Quality Learning for Keiki Everywhere

Early Literacy collaborates with community early childcare services and preschools, providing professional development, educational materials, coaching, and support for the delivery of an evidence-based literacy intervention.  The program’s goal is to reach keiki where they are at, regardless of which early learning resource families choose to place their child, ensuring that every child has access to quality education.

Upcoming Early Literacy Events

Culture-based instruction has the potential for narrowing educational achievement gaps.  It allows keiki to build relationships and engage in learning that is tied to community and establishes a deeper sense of self, building pride in who they are, and where they’re from. 

community early childcare partners on O‘ahu and Hawai‘i Island increased their knowledge, skills and approaches to collaboratively implement evidence-based literacy interventions for children in their care

A New Curriculum

Utilizing the practices and approaches of Doors to Discover, an evidence-based curriculum, a new curriculum framework has been developed that integrates culturally relevant activities and materials that fit the needs of the keiki in our communities.

Strengthening our community for the future means ensuring that our keiki today have the best educational opportunities to grow and thrive.  For INPEACE, this means reaching beyond ourselves and ensuring that all early learning providers have the skills, tools, and resources they need to provide the best instruction possible.  With our continual focus on strengthening community through collaborative efforts, the Early Literacy Program engages parents, family home childcare providers, Family-Child Interactive Learning programs, and center-based preschools to increase the level and quality of literacy intervention for the keiki in their care. 


The project provides culturally responsive, high-quality instruction that focuses on the whole-child, and addresses all 12 elements of a comprehensive literacy instruction plan as defined by the USDOE. The evidence-based program, Doors to Discovery (D2D), uses thematic units of literacy activities to encourage children’s development in oral language, phonological awareness, print concepts, alphabet knowledge, writing, and comprehension, and has been adapted to be delivered through a culturally appropriate lens. The focus of the curriculum is the development of children’s vocabulary and expressive and receptive language through a learning process called “shared literacy,” by which adults and children work together to develop literacy related skills.

“Everything we learned was so helpful in understanding and knowing how to support our keiki in implementing this program. I also really value our time together on zoom. The value it has brought to me personally has been amazing. There's something so special and valuable about learning, listening, connecting, supporting and bonding as women, teachers and mothers. This program has been such a blessing in my life and the life of my keiki. I am ever so grateful to be able to participate in this program. Mahalo!”
- Early Literacy Partner
“My keiki [are] enjoying all the materials every day and it’s just great watching them grow and learn. This program has helped me focus more on my keiki and has increased our quality time.”
- Early Literacy Partner

Early Literacy Staff

Germaine Tauati

Program Director

Chantal Richie

Early Literacy Coach

Franconia Arline

Project Activities Coordinator

INPEACE Is Funded Through Personal Donations From People Like You.

INPEACE is a nonprofit organization that relies heavily on grants to fund programs and services that strengthen, support, educate and empower our communities. Through donations, we are able to keep our programs free while providing an incredible asset to our community.