Holomua Business Series – April
2023 Holomua!A series of workshops, focused on a variety of topics that elevate your business.SPECIAL NOTE - Please see the following registration process:Upon registration, you will be emailed a link […]
2023 Holomua!A series of workshops, focused on a variety of topics that elevate your business.SPECIAL NOTE - Please see the following registration process:Upon registration, you will be emailed a link […]
A space created for Businesses to connect, collaborate, share experiences and resources. SPECIAL NOTE - Please see the following registration process: Upon registration, you will be emailed a link to our […]
Hūi! Join us in this extension of our morning services to ʻohana. Our Lā ʻOhana events are an extension of our regular morning services to families with keiki ages newborn […]
Hūi! Join us in this extension of our morning services to ʻohana. Our Lā ʻOhana events are an extension of our regular morning services to families with keiki ages newborn […]
Join us in our monthly financial group coaching sessions that is focused on building connections and taking control of your finances. SPECIAL NOTE - Please see the following registration process: […]
Hūi! Join us in this extension of our morning services to ʻohana. Our huakaʻi (field trip) events are an extension of our morning services to families with keiki ages newborn […]
Financial Kai Workshop Series A four-part financial capabilities workshop series that educates individuals and families on personal finance money management, the creation of a spending plan, strategies for saving, borrowing […]
Hūi! Join us in this extension of our morning services to ʻohana. Already registered!? Great, join us and register below. Interested in our program!? Register below and we'll contact you. […]
Hūi! Join us in this extension of our morning services to ʻohana. Already registered!? Great, join us and register below. Interested in our program!? Register below and we'll contact you. […]
Hūi! Join us in celebrating the end of year Hōʻike! Hōʻike is a public performance highlighting the yearlong learning of our participants, both mākua and keiki, shared with their ʻohana […]
Financial Kai Workshop Series A four-part financial capabilities workshop series that educates individuals and families on personal finance money management, the creation of a spending plan, strategies for saving, borrowing […]
A space created for Businesses to connect, collaborate, share experiences and resources. SPECIAL NOTE - Please see the following registration process: Upon registration, you will be emailed a link to our […]
INPEACE is excited about our ‘Ohana Engagement Series hosted by our Early Literacy Program. The Family Literacy and Cultural Education Workshop is a four-part series featuring Dr. Kū Kahakalau that […]
Hūi! Join us in celebrating the end of year Hōʻike! Hōʻike is a public performance highlighting the yearlong learning of our participants, both mākua and keiki, shared with their ʻohana […]
My Money Mo'olelo Come and learn different tools to understand our financial behaviors and relationship with money. SPECIAL NOTE - Please see the following registration process: Upon registration, you will […]
2023 Holomua! A series of workshops, focused on a variety of topics that elevate your business. SPECIAL NOTE - Please see the following registration process: Upon registration, you will be […]
Join us in our monthly financial group coaching sessions that is focused on building connections and taking control of your finances.SPECIAL NOTE - Please see the following registration process:Upon registration, […]
The Science of Kapa Pop-Up Exhibit will be at 'Imiloa Exhibit Hall in Hilo, Hawai'i from March 9 - June 4, 2023. For more information visit http://imiloahawaii.org or call (808) […]
Set Yourself up for Financial Success! A virtual workshop to assist you in setting your financial goals. Join us to create your game plan and to learn tips and tricks […]
A space created for Businesses to connect, collaborate, share experiences and resources. SPECIAL NOTE - Please see the following registration process: Upon registration, you will be emailed a link to our […]
Financial Kai Workshop Series A four-part financial capabilities workshop series that educates individuals and families on personal finance money management, the creation of a spending plan, strategies for saving, borrowing money wisely, and protecting personal finances. We ask that participants attend all 4 workshops in the series. SPECIAL NOTE - Please see the following registration […]
2023 Holomua! A series of workshops, focused on a variety of topics that elevate your business. SPECIAL NOTE - Please see the following registration process: Upon registration, you will be emailed a link to our Digital Intake Form to be completed by NEW PARTICIPANT(s). ONLY for NEW participants of the Center for Entrepreneurship. A Zoom link will […]
Join us in our monthly personal finance peer discussion group that is focused on building connections and taking control of your finances. SPECIAL NOTE - Please see the following registration process: Upon registration, you will be emailed a link to our Digital Enrollment Form to be completed by NEW PARTICIPANT(S) ONLY. All attendees will receive […]
Financial Kai Workshop Series A four-part financial capabilities workshop series that educates individuals and families on personal finance money management, the creation of a spending plan, strategies for saving, borrowing money wisely, and protecting personal finances. We ask that participants attend all 4 workshops in the series. SPECIAL NOTE - Please see the following registration […]